Alterations reserved.
Below is an overview of dates per workshop and an overview of dates with the available workshops in those weeks.
If a workshop is offered for more than one week, you can book a week or more weeks. Also, it is possible to choose a combination of workshop weeks.
If you prefer to travel to Greece on a different date, that can be arranged. However, flight ticket prices may differ from the price that is included in our packages. Also transfer prices may differ if you want to travel to Kantia on a different date. Please contact us for more information.
The artwork made by participants of the workshops in Greece is transported by us to the Netherlands. We then organise exhibitions of this work at our location in Amsterdam for the spring and fall periods, where our guests can see and collect their own work.
Dates: Sunday 17 July and
Sunday 6 November 2016
Time: 14.00- 17.00 uur
Location: Zeeburgerdijk 55 sous, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
29 May – 5 June
5 – 12 June
12 – 19 June
19 – 26 June
26 June – 3 July
4 – 11 September
11 – 18 September
18 – 25 September
25 September –
2 October